I woke up this morning with the intention that I was going to get so much work done but then I realized that my cell phone didn't work. I can't allow that to get in my way and I have so many other things to be working on. Blogging is one of them.
My game plan today is to look fresh and start new. Re-organize my boards, make my game plan for the week, set up a routine for excersice. Go out and shoot some quality video.
Even though I have no phone the list is endless to what I do without one.
Time management is imperative to those in the entertainment production industry.
I find that what works for me is to create lists. At the end of my day I have crossed out a dozen or so tasks on my list. That makes me manage my time better but it also creates a lot of self-esteem because at the end of the day I realize that I have accomplished a whole set of things. These lists can be used later when writing resume's or cover letters to show that I have tackled these tasks and completed them.
As soon as a thought comes to my head, I write it down. No human can possibly remember everything. Once I forgot to write down that I wasn't supposed to update my software on my cell phone.... And this is the reason I can't use it today!