What is a cheeseburger? Is it something that you love to eat? Is it the alternative to a home cooked meal? Is it Fast Food? Does it make you feel full after you've indulged? We all know a Cheeseburger that is really great can be more than beef between two buns. We also know that a good burger can be something we gorge ourselves with, if we like it. Video is similar in many ways. Whether your business is large or small, This visual tool can make them come back for more. If the video is bad it could give you the motto "Less than One Hundred Sold".
Everyone knows what video is but when it comes down to using it for your business do you know why and how to use it? Is it faster? Is it more expensive than regular advertising? Are your viewers full after they watch it? Do they want to add more to their order? Are they thirsty? Does a visual taste almost as good? Would you rather read about french fries or see what they look like?
In this series of Blogs called Video for Cheeseburgers I will attempt to answer some of these questions. I find that many business owners want to use video but are apprehensive to utilizing this great tool. Many people are not sure if it's a fad, if it will be affective, and of course if the benefits will out weigh the cost.
Over the next couple weeks, I will explain what video is, what it does, and it's 50 uses in corporate settings.
I will teach you how to choose from Angus Beef to Ground Round. I will help you decide what condiments to use and where to use them. I will also give you some tips on using the self serve bar.
Each week I will discuss a different type of Video and how to use it in your business. Whether you are asking where the beef is, or if you Garden Burgers are more your style, I will explain a Video Application that will be right for you.
Why Cheeseburgers? The cheeseburger has been around forever and it's something we are all familiar with. Film has been around even longer and it still seems to be mystery to the masses.
Since this is the first of the series, Let's discuss What Video is and how it's similar to the Cheeseburger.
In 1948 McDonald's was opened in San Bernadino, California. By 1957 McDonald's had sold over $3million dollars worth of product. What does this have to do with Video? People knew what a burger was, So what was the result of the craving for Fast food? People know what film is, so why are they jumping at the bit to add this to their business repertoire?
People are in a hurry, they don't have time to prepare a meal, even a burger takes a while to cook. They want it now, they want it to be fresh and they want a to get it from a clean business. They want to be satisfied without having to sit down to seven course meal. Someone watching a corporate video or an intro video wants the same luxury. Your Clients not only will take time to watch a video on your homepage they will appreciate that you put it there. It allows them to make decisions quicker. People have a lot of options to research, competition is fierce in any business, if you aren't at the top of your game technology it can cost you trust.
America is a Microwave Society. Maybe the Fast Food Generation paved the way. The factor isn't how fast it's how efficient we are with the time we do have? Executives can now watch a 3 minute report instead of reading for hours. He not only can watch that report but he will also remember more of it?
In a Study done by Osha for becoming better presenters they found that three days after an event, people retain 10% of what they heard from an
oral presentation, 35% from a visual presentation, and 65% from a visual
and oral presentation. Would this leave the executive to have more time to do other things?
Video messages are the same way. People will watch a 1-3 minute video, but will they take the time out to read everything you have on your website?
According to Pixability Business Video has rose 3400% over the past 4 years. This could be because of the popularity of utilizing YouTube. With a large majority of people researching businesses on YouTube before ever stepping foot in the establishment, it's perhaps a very vital tool to have on your menu. Some trends became norms. McDonald's Sold over 3 Billion dollars within 9 years. Think about why they became popular. And I'm pretty sure a lot of them are still standing.
One of the portions of fast food was because of quality. Most Fast Food style restaurants back then were served out the back of a coach? Well at least at fairs, and carnivals. They didn't have one on every corner.
McDonald's did have a clear message to those who worked at their facilities. They learned to do things by the good ole , Q.S.C. Quality, Service, and Cleanliness. With the hot market of Smart Phones anyone can produce a video now. Quality of video translates into the image that your company puts out. If you are serving greasy, sloppy, unclean video on your site, that is the image that your viewers remember.
Video that is high quality (lighting, camera work, audio to name a few) will show and will not only keep the client tuned in it will also make them take action.
Service in Video should detail how your company will benefit them. How will you Serve them? This should be explained in the videos that you put out. Whether through still images or direct messages the viewer must always be the first person in mind.
Cleanliness is a good topic here as well. Is your message well planned? Are you fumbling? Are you believable? Video will not only set the pace to your message it will tell the viewer if you are someone trustworthy enough to do business with. Suppose your viewer just got done watching 2 other videos for the same type of company. Yours is well done, compared to the amateur videos that they just watched. Do you think this could impact the clients decision on who to give their money to?
Your viewers should feel like they have gotten a solid message, they trust what you are doing, and they have been given a message to react to what you just told them.
It's like the beef to the burger, and the burger to the bun. Your business can survive without using video but it's sure a lot better when you have it.
Make sure you read about the perfect website video in our blog next week "Introductory Video/May I take your order? PLEASE"???
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