Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Render "a melt down Sonnett by a Final Cut Pro user"

Final Cut Pro  you are the biggest A-hole I know!  You make me want to cheat on you for being so damn ungrateful!  But I'm not giving up on us yet?
I think if we can just love us a little more, baby, you and me?
Whatdya say baby,
Oh yea?....Well I'm tired of your tricks!  your stupid error messages, your upppppgraddees?
I don't want to divorce you.
But don't let the Blue Ray hit ya in the ass on the way out!
I'm tired of all your deceitful ways and all your rendering!
I loved you but I should have dumped you a long time ago?
But I did take that vow didn't I?  I did sign that registration form didn't I???
I'm with you every frame of the way.
You and me baby, you and me?
I just can't wait til we get in a bigger hard drive.

AD Copy, What's your name, and Whose Your Daddy?

Many clients have an interest in creating a commercial and then they come to us to find that there is a lot more involved in this process then they first realized.  I hope to make this an easy place to find some direction.  There are several key points here to consider for writing your Ad Copy even if you are a do it your selfer, these tips are going to help you create content that will get you noticed. 
This 1st part is crucial.  The What?  What are you selling, What are you promoting, Why are you selling, promoting it? Is it a product or a service?  if you know the what and the why the rest becomes easier.  Be Direct, and Simplify.  Clarity here will launch you to the next level.
The 2nd part is just a crucial but will give you more direction.  KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE!  You aren't selling diapers to astronauts!  Who are you selling or promoting to?  Make sure this is in line with what you are trying to achieve.  Are you really putting yourself in the customers shoes?  Are you speaking their language?  Do you know how they think?  Will your message kick them where it counts?   Is what you are saying attracting their attention?  Are your benefits listed?  How does your product or service serve them?  If they were to glance at the headline, would they want to watch more?
The 3rd portion here is To have a well thought out blueprint to the construction of your project.  Do you have some sort of formula?  Some things to consider, is this SEO user friendly?  Are you creating Brand Value, Are you giving an unusual twist to it? Is the grammar and inflection correct to the message you are projecting? Does it use expressive medium? And is the headline one that packs a punch to keep them interested? 
4th if your headline is boring then no need to bother with the rest.  Save your time because if you are creating ad copy that is just not interesting then why bother?  Creating your commercial should be just as fun as a barrel of monkeys!  Monkey's are cool!  The headline should be powerful, short, out of the ordinary.  It should break the rules, and appeal to your audience. 
I hope that this is helpful to my readers.  Feel free to contact us regarding creating compelling and engaging content for your next video project. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Acting is not a Spectator Sport


To find your niche in life as an actor is not crucial until you figure it out that it would have been a hell of a lot easier if you had figured it out a lot sooner.
As a creative person you probably have many talents.  I do as well.  It's part of what makes me be a good producer.  I take the time to remember that I will always be trying to improve my skills and tune up my craft.  This weekend has proved to me that while I still take risks at 46 I am still enjoying this journey.  
No matter what you niche is just do it.  Take action and just do it.  If you sit back and talk about it and never follow your gut feeling you will never truly be happy. 
Do what you love,  the money will come.  Don't let money be your drive, let the love you have for what you do give you the pleasure of the experience.