Thursday, July 12, 2012

Eve Grey's Journal: Super Sized Advertising through Digital Signage

Eve Grey's Journal: Super Sized Advertising through Digital Signage:   This is part of the Video for Cheeseburgers Blog and will enhance your hunger for utilizing this great device.  You will be super sizing...

Super Sized Advertising through Digital Signage


This is part of the Video for Cheeseburgers Blog and will enhance your hunger for utilizing this great device.  You will be super sizing your message and maximizing your advertising dollars if you plot out your goal for using Digital Signs.   Like introducing a new item to our menu,  I'm introducing Digital signage to you. 

The last time you filled up at your local gas station,  did you notice a television blasting at the pump?  Or perhaps when you were in line at the bank,  you noticed that they had a flat screen t.v. blaring benefits the bank has to offer.  Who can forget the giant electronic billboards that captivate your attention on the side of the road next to the biggest dealership in town?  This is not a mistake by any stretch.   In this blog you will learn more about this type of  media and how it can influence your clients.  If a picture is worth a thousand words, can you imagine what the value of a digital sign would be? What's so beneficial is the client gets your message in a super fast dose.  However, unlike print ads, they will retain the message and you have almost complete control. They can't throw it in the trash or turn the channel. Digital signage is becoming trendier than fast food and almost as convenient so to use this as an eye catching tool makes good sense but what is a digital sign?

What is digital signage and how can it help my business?  Digital signage is similar to Television only the public doesn't have control.  You do!  With digital signage the viewer doesn't have the ability to put on Dr Phil.  The only thing being displayed are your messages along with your company's image.   You can create the experience that the viewers will receive.  Because it is generally placed in the three most viewed areas.  Point of Sale, Point of wait, and Point of transit.  The population is exposed to what you the owner; wants them to see.  They are usefully positioned here for obvious reasons.  YOU can't help but notice them!
 Some  Examples of digital signs are Digital Menu's or retail mall displays,  for Point of Sale distribution. Lobbies and waiting areas are Point of Wait,   The even bigger displays such as Auto Dealers big exhibits outside  are considered Point of Transit.  The point is,  if you look around you will notice that the three places are very strategic.  They serve a purpose.  To get the viewers attention and to help them retain the message.  So now you understand what they are; let's explore what they consist of.

Digital signs consist of a display such as a monitor or several monitors together, a media player and management software.  The TV Screen usually includes content such as Still Photos, Text and/or audio and video.  They can be used to display Menu's, or footage of your last event for a trade show.  They may even be used to inform employees about updates such as safety information.  If there is a certain product line that you want to introduce to the general public this can be one of the most effective tools.  The possibilities are endless to the uses of this technology.   Because the cost can be expensive it is good to have a solid game plan in mind for your digital sign.   Keep in mind that there are no real industry standards.   Be wise,  do your research before making a commitment to this type of marketing.
Research is key to determine the cost of utilizing digital signage as part of your marketing and advertising.  Good companies like Cisco are well known but you need to determine what your main goals and objectives are then shop around.  Several companies offer digital signage however you need to take into consideration the scope of the project.  Working with an expert in this area is helpful.   Monitors or Displays (flat screen tv)  depend on the amount of units needed to fulfill your goal.  If you are a salon owner wanting to do some in house advertising you may only need one monitor and a minimum of maintenence.  This can often times be done for under $1000.  However if you really want to impress someone you can create video walls out of several screens.  This is usually something that is seen in large areas and these displays can have huge budgets attached to them.  The next item to consider is your media player.
The media player is the hardware device that plays your content.  This could require something that is capable of holding your media as well as accessible for making adjustments.  These units will run approximately $200 and up depending on the hardware's functions.   Not every project requires just the basics.  The third item is the Management Software.
Management Software is the actual software that the files for your display are created and used to control the messages that you want the client to see.  If you are someone who wants to have a way to display new messages often,  then software that is easy to manage will save you time.  You may only require one simple video that plays on a loop or you may include varying types of media from Static Text to interactive screens.  Whatever the case maybe,  Speaking to representatives that have the highest knowledge for meeting your goals is key to seeing results for your investment.
Don't forget that content is the most important aspect of utilizing these visual instruments.
The content can include animations, static text, still shot photos, videos, and audio.  Whatever the content is,  it should help with customer relationship management.  This type of mechanism should be used to find, attract, and win new clients; while it nurtures the existing customer and maintains objectives.  Those objectives should be to reduce costs in marketing and client services.
Reducing costs may be an objective, but spending your advertising/marketing budget is not the most important aspect of using digital signage.  Consideration of who will see your sign and how will it improve their lives if they take action after seeing the sign?  What type of experience are they having?  Where will the sign be seen?  An airport may use a digital sign that shows plane schedules a restaurant down the street maybe showing their menu,  while a beauty salon maybe showing a new product or service.  Whatever it's use these signs are most effective if they are informative.
Because we are naturally visual learners,  Digital Signage is one of the most effective forms of advertisement.  Clients not only respond to visual and audio because it's a part of the senses but we also retain more of what we see and hear. 

In a study done by OSHA (Occupational Safety Health Administration) research to train their employees "Presenting Effective Presentations with Visual Aids"  the following statistics were disclosed.
  • Studies by educational researchers suggest that approximately 83% of human learning occurs visually, and the remaining 17% through the other senses - 11% through hearing, 3.5% through smell, 1% through taste, and 1.5% through touch.
  • The studies suggest that three days after an event, people retain 10% of what they heard from an oral presentation, 35% from a visual presentation, and 65% from a visual and oral presentation.
Videos along with moving graphics not only catches someone's attention they retain the information that is being viewed.   One could assume that using this type of tool,  maybe invaluable for your business.  Contacting a professional to stay within your budget and scope will help make your Digital Sign a success.    This type of advertising super sizes your companies messages and communication.  This is not only a great gadget;  it's uses are variable and the client remembers what they have seen.
If you have more questions regarding this blog or the use of digital signage feel free to visit us at

By far the better explanation of Digital Signage was Done by the folks at Black Box:
Here is the link: