Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mobile Apps, The Mapp Rib of your Marketing Campaign

Let's say you made a visit to your favorite hamburger joint, only to find that they were out of hamburgers;  would you leave and go to the next closest place? Would you order the chicken sandwich? Would you go back? You can think of mobile marketing very much the same way.
Mobile marketing is not just a gimmick, the average person has approximately 18 apps on their smart phones.  If you aren't including mobile marketing in your campaign, you will lose to the competitor that does understand the use of this powerful tool.  In this blog I will tell you how important it is to include this ultra cool, ultra vital tool in your marketing campaign.

In an article by Business Insider, there was a statement made claiming 61% of people actually attempt to connect to company websites with mobile devices, and fail simply because the sites are not optimized for mobile use.  As a result, potential customers are lost to the competitions sites which are optimized.   Could you be losing business this way?  Not if you've talked to Randy Zak from Noyzinet Inc.

Randy Noyzinet has a very diverse background ranging from music production to creating full public relations campaigns.  However,  Zak specializes in marketing by utilizing the tool that  most everyone has, a cell phone. There are over 6 billion cell phone subscriptions worldwide and this astonishing number grows constantly. Zak has discovered software that helps to increase the number of hits received on Youtube (Youtube owned by Google) utilizing a sophisticated social media process that enhances popularity.  Zak has perfected this system along with the app usability.

I was able to witness for myself how quickly he was able to take a post of his web commercial and raise the hits on Youtube from 3 to 7,000 in just 24 hours.  Not only did he get these hits, he received likes as well.  Roughly 300 as an average.  Can you imagine what this says about a business?  It says this business, idea, concept, product etc., is popular.

What popularity does for a business is gives it credibility.  Ever notice some of the best food comes from diners at truck stops?  People go to resturaunts that are busy.  Our psychology is that it must be good if they are all doing it.  So it only makes sense to include in your marketing campaign an element that will allow you to become popular.

S-E-O, Smeshy- E- O.  The trend on the net has shifted from SEO marketing to Social Media Marketing.  Randy's company has a real corner on this tool. While Statisticbrain reports that only 37% of mobile phone users visit social networks, those numbers continue to rise.   Statisticbrain also stated that 76% of people's opinion of being constantly connected was very helpful when it comes to technology.

Statistics do show however,  that FB,Twitter,Linkedin, and Pinterest are some of the highest trafficking areas on the net, so there is no mistake that focus is placed on these sites.  SEO has fallen in the second category for importance in marketing.  A good ad campaign will include social media and it's management along with video.  These are some of the most valued tools that businesses are relying on to maximize their budgets.  Don't get me wrong a good SEO format is still important, but your marketing campaign should focus on Social Media popularity tied in with rich SEO.

The most important money that you can spend on your business is on your advertising and marketing campaign.  Steve Jobs of Apple noted that their advertising with the "Think Different" campaign is what caused them to be an epic success. This genius company was the first to pioneer apps with the iphone. Could it be safe to say,  it's ok to follow our leaders?  I'm not saying you'll be the next Steve Jobs but seeing the benefit of advertising (designed to bring your company to the next level) and helping your company improve should heed positive results.

Many business owners neglect their marketing during tough times.  When in all actuality this is the most important vital aspect.  In order to get sales, you have to advertise and network, in order to advertise and network you need a solid plan that helps your company be found, and make a connection.  While it may seem that print is still the best, most inexpensive way to advertise.  It makes sense to follow what human instinct is all about.  My building houses 12 units and under the mailbox is a very good sized crate that is emptied once a week.  Each week it's full guessed it Junk Mail!  If a good majority of people don't even read this then why do business owners continue to invest their marketing dollars on something that will end up in the garbage?  Companies like Noyzinet and Noyziapps are proving to be a more viable way to spend those important marketing dollars.  They heed results and can prove it.

For more information on Mobile Marketing feel free to give us a shout,  818-287-8422.  The consultation is always free.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

You Can Learn a Lot from a Cheeseburger. Branding Concepts Easily Understood.

Ahhhh Branding..We hear about it all the time in marketing but what is it exactly?  Much like the Golden Arches, the second we see them what happens to us psychologically?  When the famous bitten apple logo is seen on a new product does it make us curious? Do we know that a band-aid bandage will  not only stop the bleeding, but won't stick and pull the hairs off our arms?  Branding is many things.  If you own a company and you aren't aware of what branding is, I guarantee you are losing business on a  daily basis.  In this blog you will learn a few things about what it takes to build a brand, what branding is, and what branding isn't.

Due to the importance and critical nature of branding for a company, I'll make this simple. Branding takes three things to be effective:

  1. Time
  2. Hard Work 
  3. Money
Branding takes time to develop.  There is no quick fix on this one people.  There is no such thing as
"Get it and Go" marketing in this arena.  Branding takes a lot of hard work.  You need to know your audience, Know what they need and want, know how to fix their problems.  It takes hard work determining what type of benefits your products offer and how you will differentiate and be unique to the consumer. Branding also takes money.  Face it, whether we want to or not, marketing and advertising costs money. However, that money is an investment and in order to see your R.O.I.  A small investment can turn into large dollars as long as the right communication gets out there creating a clear image.

Creating a clear image is a mind boggling experience.  Mind boggling is right, due to the fact that branding is part of a psychological response.  Do your clients remember you? Do they get a warm feeling when they think about your company? Do they trust you? A person should be able to make a decision about a business in 3 seconds or less and they should remember it. Branding not only should be memorable, but it should be motivating and create loyalty.

According to an article from Forbes Branding is your companies promise, you know what you're going to get, and you know what the attributes  the company has.  It's the companies path.

When we think about branding We can think that we aren't taking a road well traveled.  We are taking the client down OUR road and it's the only road in the whole wide world that has our lanscape,  it's unique.  The client can only get what we offer, in our way, with our stuff!

To make it easy here are some elements of branding:

  • Branding is your Look
  • How they will remember you
  • What type of character your business has
  • What type of service your business offers
  • Branding is your personality
  • Branding is your voice
  • Most of all Branding is what you promise

One thing that we should be aware of is that branding never changes.  In an article by CBS they reported in June of 2011 that Jack in the box sales were down 62%.  A lot of the blame was on the economy along with other multiple factors,  but Jack in the Box's marketing plan changed.  Besides the egg rolls and tacos on the menu, they changed the face of the Jack in the Box with their new motto "Just Jack".   With their almost risky, sexual innuendo's commercials (a Carl's Jr. Theme), they seem to be all over the map with their marketing strategies.  We aren't even sure they sell cheeseburgers any longer.

Carl's Junior however, utilizes the sexual innuendo marketing ploy very well when it comes to their target audience.  Clearly when watching their commercials we are aware that they are geared up for Men between the ages 18-35. (video below) Carl's Jr. promotes almost entirely to that crowd.  But the question is do they sell burgers?

In QSR's 50 ranking special report they announced McDonald's as being the top seller, while Carl's Jr ranked at #23 and Krystal's ranked #50.  Krystal's is trying to brand themselves as the Sports or halftime fast food joint. With Krystal's coming in at #50 and Carl's Jr at #23,  one can only assume that when it comes to branding,  if it doesn't sell it isn't creative.  Marketing is meant to take you to the next level.  It should bring you higher up the food chain even if you aren't selling food.  A well thought out branding strategy is imperative for any business to thrive.  If you aren't sure what your brand is or don't have a crystal clear (sorry Krystal's, whoever you are) image to your audience, you will be sure to fail.

A full branding business plan is the only way to ensure that you will be successful.  Calling on a professional to assist is often a great way to invest your marketing dollars.
Be sure to take time to plan, and invest time as well as money.  Going the cheap route, not having realistic expectations and marketing goals will only cost you more in the end. A successful marketing plan will put more dollars in your pocket later on and will enable your business to grow to that next level.

EveGreyProductions is a video marketing and branding firm.  We offer many services other than video production and can really help you define your branding needs.  We do full 1 hour analysis of your market, your viewers and your branding design. Call today for consultation 619-288-9350.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Eve Grey's Journal: Holiday Video Served Fresh!

Eve Grey's Journal: Holiday Video Served Fresh!:    During the holidays, I've gotten excited about getting greeting cards from family and friends. On the other hand,  the corporate greet...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Holiday Video Served Fresh!

   During the holidays, I've gotten excited about getting greeting cards from family and friends. On the other hand,  the corporate greeting card seems a little less cheerful.  Many times the corporate greeting card gets neglected by tossing it to the side and possibly not even getting read.  Somehow,  knowing everyone in the company has received the same hum drum card takes away the festivity.    The fake signature, flimsy stock paper, and the cheesy graphics loses it's luster when consideration goes into how much was spent on postage to a regularly scheduled piece of impersonal mail. It's like getting a cheeseburger wrapper and no burger.   In other words, the greeting card that comes from a company may just end up in the garbage along with the cheeseburger wrappers! There are more unique solutions for sending your companies best wishes.

  The video greeting card has special uses for directly touching a customer,  and showing employee appreciation.  Creating this type of video may be less expensive than purchasing the cards and  postage.   In most cases,  it is a more effective and unique approach to letting everyone know they are important and thought about this season.   The message in a holiday video can touch someone through emotion, happiness, and joy. The best part of creating this type of product is that the message is entirely up to you.  Once you understand how to use this powerful tool, you can see it's impact.  First let's talk about what a video greeting card is.

  A video greeting card is a video that is created with the intention of sending your holiday cheer and or gratitude.  The message expresses your grace toward your clients or your staff's success.  A video greeting card can be a festive production or a simple interview.  The message should not be more than :10 to :30 seconds in length and should show elements of the season so that viewers are aware that this is special.  A video greeting card can be found in many places and not just in your mail box.

  Most holiday video are sent by email, mobile banners and ipads.     It can be displayed with a QR code and placed on packaging, posted on social medial websites seen as banner ads. It's a great way to wish everyone joy and happiness in a quick message.  The video can be both promotional as well as testimonial.  Video marketing can be thought of as part of the celebration of the season.   The possibilities are endless.

  Video greeting cards can be done in many creative ways such as through CEO announcements,  Staff Celebrated Messages, or creative full video production like the link placed down below with a family having fun creating faux,yule tide cheer.  As part of the years end activities a video booth can be set up at your next holiday party.  This is usually done with a backdrop or in front of green screen.  Staff and their guests can say a few quick words and then a montage of seasonal spirit can be created.

  Who are your targeted viewers?   Whether you do a lot of B2B or B2C marketing, Holiday video can be creative and memorable.  If it's possible that you deserve a break today, send it to your client databases, post on Twitter, Linkedin, FB etc.  No matter what avenue you decide on, this type of marketing is valuable.  Why? Because people will watch a :30 second spot and will remember the message.  The alternative is opening an envelope and tossing it in the trash because it was not personal.

  If you're worrying about getting the greeting cards sent out on time remember video is almost instantaneous once the product is complete.  You can control when the viewers see it.  People may not always have time to check their mail but most people will watch a 30 second video. 

  Ecommerce and mcommerce continue to rapidly grow so it only makes sense to use video tools to drive more traffic to websites and get more cash registers ringing.  The use of electronic media to drive sales is inevitable.  Video marketing is a tool that can help increase sales, it can also retain customers.   Remember marketing is put in place to create more revenue not waste it.

  In an article by Mass Transmit there are 7 B2B marketing ideas listed that have some real validity.  They say the holidays are a time to reestablish those connections and say “thank you” for everything they do for your brand.
Faster than ordering at the drive-thru and heeding more results video marketing is very valuable no matter what the season is.

Call today for a free estimate!  We travel everywhere!
619-288-9350 Holiday Marketing

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Eve Grey's Journal: Super Sized Advertising through Digital Signage

Eve Grey's Journal: Super Sized Advertising through Digital Signage:   This is part of the Video for Cheeseburgers Blog and will enhance your hunger for utilizing this great device.  You will be super sizing...

Super Sized Advertising through Digital Signage


This is part of the Video for Cheeseburgers Blog and will enhance your hunger for utilizing this great device.  You will be super sizing your message and maximizing your advertising dollars if you plot out your goal for using Digital Signs.   Like introducing a new item to our menu,  I'm introducing Digital signage to you. 

The last time you filled up at your local gas station,  did you notice a television blasting at the pump?  Or perhaps when you were in line at the bank,  you noticed that they had a flat screen t.v. blaring benefits the bank has to offer.  Who can forget the giant electronic billboards that captivate your attention on the side of the road next to the biggest dealership in town?  This is not a mistake by any stretch.   In this blog you will learn more about this type of  media and how it can influence your clients.  If a picture is worth a thousand words, can you imagine what the value of a digital sign would be? What's so beneficial is the client gets your message in a super fast dose.  However, unlike print ads, they will retain the message and you have almost complete control. They can't throw it in the trash or turn the channel. Digital signage is becoming trendier than fast food and almost as convenient so to use this as an eye catching tool makes good sense but what is a digital sign?

What is digital signage and how can it help my business?  Digital signage is similar to Television only the public doesn't have control.  You do!  With digital signage the viewer doesn't have the ability to put on Dr Phil.  The only thing being displayed are your messages along with your company's image.   You can create the experience that the viewers will receive.  Because it is generally placed in the three most viewed areas.  Point of Sale, Point of wait, and Point of transit.  The population is exposed to what you the owner; wants them to see.  They are usefully positioned here for obvious reasons.  YOU can't help but notice them!
 Some  Examples of digital signs are Digital Menu's or retail mall displays,  for Point of Sale distribution. Lobbies and waiting areas are Point of Wait,   The even bigger displays such as Auto Dealers big exhibits outside  are considered Point of Transit.  The point is,  if you look around you will notice that the three places are very strategic.  They serve a purpose.  To get the viewers attention and to help them retain the message.  So now you understand what they are; let's explore what they consist of.

Digital signs consist of a display such as a monitor or several monitors together, a media player and management software.  The TV Screen usually includes content such as Still Photos, Text and/or audio and video.  They can be used to display Menu's, or footage of your last event for a trade show.  They may even be used to inform employees about updates such as safety information.  If there is a certain product line that you want to introduce to the general public this can be one of the most effective tools.  The possibilities are endless to the uses of this technology.   Because the cost can be expensive it is good to have a solid game plan in mind for your digital sign.   Keep in mind that there are no real industry standards.   Be wise,  do your research before making a commitment to this type of marketing.
Research is key to determine the cost of utilizing digital signage as part of your marketing and advertising.  Good companies like Cisco are well known but you need to determine what your main goals and objectives are then shop around.  Several companies offer digital signage however you need to take into consideration the scope of the project.  Working with an expert in this area is helpful.   Monitors or Displays (flat screen tv)  depend on the amount of units needed to fulfill your goal.  If you are a salon owner wanting to do some in house advertising you may only need one monitor and a minimum of maintenence.  This can often times be done for under $1000.  However if you really want to impress someone you can create video walls out of several screens.  This is usually something that is seen in large areas and these displays can have huge budgets attached to them.  The next item to consider is your media player.
The media player is the hardware device that plays your content.  This could require something that is capable of holding your media as well as accessible for making adjustments.  These units will run approximately $200 and up depending on the hardware's functions.   Not every project requires just the basics.  The third item is the Management Software.
Management Software is the actual software that the files for your display are created and used to control the messages that you want the client to see.  If you are someone who wants to have a way to display new messages often,  then software that is easy to manage will save you time.  You may only require one simple video that plays on a loop or you may include varying types of media from Static Text to interactive screens.  Whatever the case maybe,  Speaking to representatives that have the highest knowledge for meeting your goals is key to seeing results for your investment.
Don't forget that content is the most important aspect of utilizing these visual instruments.
The content can include animations, static text, still shot photos, videos, and audio.  Whatever the content is,  it should help with customer relationship management.  This type of mechanism should be used to find, attract, and win new clients; while it nurtures the existing customer and maintains objectives.  Those objectives should be to reduce costs in marketing and client services.
Reducing costs may be an objective, but spending your advertising/marketing budget is not the most important aspect of using digital signage.  Consideration of who will see your sign and how will it improve their lives if they take action after seeing the sign?  What type of experience are they having?  Where will the sign be seen?  An airport may use a digital sign that shows plane schedules a restaurant down the street maybe showing their menu,  while a beauty salon maybe showing a new product or service.  Whatever it's use these signs are most effective if they are informative.
Because we are naturally visual learners,  Digital Signage is one of the most effective forms of advertisement.  Clients not only respond to visual and audio because it's a part of the senses but we also retain more of what we see and hear. 

In a study done by OSHA (Occupational Safety Health Administration) research to train their employees "Presenting Effective Presentations with Visual Aids"  the following statistics were disclosed.
  • Studies by educational researchers suggest that approximately 83% of human learning occurs visually, and the remaining 17% through the other senses - 11% through hearing, 3.5% through smell, 1% through taste, and 1.5% through touch.
  • The studies suggest that three days after an event, people retain 10% of what they heard from an oral presentation, 35% from a visual presentation, and 65% from a visual and oral presentation.
Videos along with moving graphics not only catches someone's attention they retain the information that is being viewed.   One could assume that using this type of tool,  maybe invaluable for your business.  Contacting a professional to stay within your budget and scope will help make your Digital Sign a success.    This type of advertising super sizes your companies messages and communication.  This is not only a great gadget;  it's uses are variable and the client remembers what they have seen.
If you have more questions regarding this blog or the use of digital signage feel free to visit us at

By far the better explanation of Digital Signage was Done by the folks at Black Box:
Here is the link:

Monday, June 4, 2012

Eve Grey's Journal: If the cheeseburger could talk, what would it say?...

Eve Grey's Journal: If the cheeseburger could talk, what would it say?...: If the cheeseburger could talk what would it say?  Would it have a special message?  Would you trust the cheeseburger?  The truth is cheese...

If the cheeseburger could talk, what would it say?

If the cheeseburger could talk what would it say?  Would it have a special message?  Would you trust the cheeseburger?  The truth is cheeseburgers don't talk but product focused video can be an invaluable instrument to driving more traffic to your website.  Product focused videos can help to  introduce new products and most importantly sell more product than any other media.  If product videos are done right they can turn your website into a selling machine and you don't even have to pay the salesperson's commission.  In this blog I will be getting you more familiar with using product focused video and explain to you the importance of taking this prime opportunity to super size your online consumer data base by utilizing video.
The eTailing Group found that 73% of online retailers used video on product pages in 2010, up from 55% in 2009 and only 20% in 2005. 74% of the top 50 retailers used product videos, 40% used category videos, and 38% used other types of informational videos. (eMarketer, February 2011).  So rather than reading about your product, your clients can now experience the product.  This is a much more affective way to build trust,  gain confidence, and drive sales than all those darn words.   If done right, video will leave them salivating for your goods.  Now let's look at some guidelines for creating the perfect product focused video.
Whether you are working with a production company or creating your own video's yourself; these simple guidelines will help you in the conception process.  First you will want to set a product strategy and vision.  It's best to make sure that everyone in the creative process is on the same page and has the same goal in mind.  Everyone involved needs to be a creative problem solver and should be ready to do some solid planning.  This will not only save you time and money putting a video together it will also show in the final product.  Next you will want to prepare a simple solution to a complex problem.  If it's selling more product, how will you do that?  Will you demonstrate how it works, will you ask your favorite customer to testify about the results using this product?   Either way it's not a quick trip to the drive-thru.  Take your time with your team and really plan it out.  Use story boards, when in doubt sketch it out.  Even stick figures are better than explaining to the camera person what angles you want to see rather than telling him.  Use a 10/3/1 rule to innovate your ideas.  Write about 10 ideas,  take a week or two to think about it and narrow it down to 3 ideas, then select the one that would be the most appealing in solving your problem.  Carefully create copy with your main goal and audience in mind.  Humor and Sex sell,  but it may not always appeal to your clients.  It might be a little inappropriate to use humor and sex to sell wheelchairs...I'm just saying. Whether you are selling widgets or Stealth Aircraft, planning is essential to success.  The more prepared you are before warming up the video camera the more impressive your project will be.  
In order to develop a video that will have lots of sizzle focus on areas that show off the product.  Use professional lighting for the beauty shots, Demonstrate how the product works, ask for a testimonial.
Your goal should be to optimize by showing off the product.  The video should be 2-3 minutes long and no longer.  Any longer it will be like old bread...Stale.  Engaging and interactive content can make a piece of tape appear miraculous.  Remember if the client feels emotionally drawn in somehow they will be more likely to pick up that phone to place their order.
In order to draw a client in emotionally remember that video is using two of the most important senses,  seeing and hearing.  Choose audio that is interesting and compliments the visual images not only aids the clients experience will also connect with their feelings.    Audio such as music or spokesperson's voices can really create mood.  Think of how James Earl Jones would sound if he were talking about the product while someone demonstrates it versus the Guido juice heads at your local garage.  Audio is just as important as the images caught on tape.  Quality sound is a must if you're focused on creating something that has the potential to go viral.
If you are focused on attempting to make your project go viral seek humor and sex appeal.  All markets don't require this,  however, if you are planning for a large amount of hits to your site why not make something that people are entertained by.  Remember the "I've fallen and I can't get up" line on the commercial.  Do you remember the product that was being sold?  Chances are you remember the line delivered more than the product that they were selling.  With close to 600,000 hits on the original commercial posted on YouTube, the idea wasn't meant to be funny but certainly got some laughs.
Laughing or not; consumers that view product videos are over 85% more likely to purchase than those who don't.  These statistics can be found at Internet Retailer in the 2010 postings.
So if you want to sell more cheeseburgers and get more cheese into your bank account, try creating a product focused videos that will help brand your product,  and give your clients direct connections to the benefits.
Join me next time when I talk to you about Digital Signage and it's various uses.  Thanks for reading!

For more information on use of video as a business tool please visit my website to set up a free consultation or you can schedule a Skype Appointment at evegreyproductions.

                                                              Scan with your smart phone.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Eve Grey's Journal: The Truth about the Cheeseburger Testimonial

Eve Grey's Journal: The Truth about the Cheeseburger Testimonial: The title of this blog post is not about cheeseburgers.  It is about testimonials and how to construct one that is successful.  I apologi...

The Truth about the Cheeseburger Testimonial

The title of this blog post is not about cheeseburgers.  It is about testimonials and how to construct one that is successful.  I apologize if you were looking for something to cure your appetite. I will attempt to give you some juicy, get a napkin, solid advice on constructing a testimonial video without getting your hands dirty.  Whether your goal is to sell more product, get more people to sign up for your services you will need some solid ideas on how to do a testimonial video.
These types videos can be very affective.   I've heard it said that Testimonials are the next best thing to a personal referral.  However,  before we get into the idea that let's talk about how to prepare for a testimonial video.
Although preparing for a testimonial video sounds strange it's very wise for a few reasons.  One if your client giving the testimonial is improvising you will be spending more time than necessary. More importantly you will have missed the goal of creating your masterpiece to begin with.
Have a specific goal in mind.  Do you want people to sign up for more of your services?  Are you trying to regain customer loyalty?  Perhaps you want to let people know you're the answer to their prayers.
Whatever your goal is make sure it's clear so that it fits.
Once you have come up with a specific goal in mind, you can start to interview or prospect for your spokesperson or ambassador to be on camera.  One great idea is to take a customer survey.  This method may reveal who would make a good client testimonial.  Another keen way of approaching the client testimonial is during a customer appreciation event.  This can be very time consuming, but can yield excellent results if done correctly.
Doing a customer testimonial video correctly would include specifics, addressing objections and not faking or being phony.
In your search for the perfect victim, you will want to use someone that is very realistic.  And can mirror what your perfect client looks like.  They should be someone that you customer community relates to.  Do the viewers identify with the client? What happened to the person that is similar to viewer?  This is known as addressing the objections.
A good testimonial will include objections that the client was facing.  Example:  "I'd never tried a garden burger before since I thought they would be tasteless."   This addressed the objection.  The person wouldn't try the garden burger because it would be tasteless.  The real objection here is how apprehensive the person was because they were concerned that they wouldn't be satisfied.  The next portion I would be curious about is what happened?  Did the person try a garden burger? Was it good? Did the person become a vegetarian afterward? Addressing objection will be the driving point to how powerful the testimonial video is.
Being specific is also more credible than being vague.  The client may want to mention how long they have been doing business with you and how it has changed the course of their life.  Did you solve a problem? You will want the person to explain how in details you solved their problem.  Which sounds more compelling?   The bacon double cheeseburger was good after the ball game.  Vs.  The cheeseburger was so delicious with the fresh tomatoes and special mustard,  I ate 3 in one setting, now I take my family here once a week.  Nonetheless it is more powerful if it is more detailed.  The other elements that make the testimonial good would be not to over edit, support the message and don't detract from it, and not to be phony.
Over editing will take away from the rogue style of this type of video.  It's important to keep the grammatical errors in tact.  This will also lend to a credible product.
Credibility in this type of testimony should be a criteria.  Choose real life people, with real life problems that you specifically solved.  In other words don't use phonies.  Don't get an actor to be your spokesperson or your cousin Vinny.  This will ultimately show in the final production.
Supporting the message instead of detracting from it is key to a good testimonial video.  Choose a non-cluttered area so the viewer is only focused on the messenger.  Keep it short,  Good testimonial will be approx 2 minutes in length, at the very longest.  Remember to ask them question before the camera is rolling.  If they come prepared with an idea of what you might ask them, they will be more confident on camera.
A good testimonial video will help encourage people to do business with you.  Especially if it's truthful, the client can relate to the principal subject, and the message is clearly stated.
If you found this helpful, then please drop me a line on FB.
 or give me a tweet @eveproducer

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Eve Grey's Journal: INTRODUCING ANOTHER CHEESEBURGER:   In this blog we will cover what an Introduction Video is and what it can do for your business.   This Above badly filtered video...



In this blog we will cover what an Introduction Video is and what it can do for your business.  
This Above badly filtered video was McDonald's first video.  Done way back in the day,  you can see many of the same attributes that McDonald's used to first start the branding process.  Ronald McDonald still exists. The hamburger is still on the menu.  The message that McDonald's is fun for kids remains the message that we see today.  
So how will you brand your business?  What message will you put out there to sell your viewers on your product, your services and your company?
Some people may think that branding is not necessary.   Some people assume that the client will just get it?   The importance of branding is in every aspect of your company from your company's logo, the brochures, the colors etc.  So why would video be any different? 
Introduction Videos leave you in the driver's seat.  You are in control of the message that your viewers see.  You can get them to pull up in to the next window by the script and other methods included in the video.  An Intro Vid can make or break the image of your business.  Video helps to build trust in your company before the client ever opens the door.  A large majority of our clients and customers are looking on YouTube to research us before we ever get a chance to talk to them. So wouldn't it make sense to make sure this video is sticking to our companies brand? 
So when is it important to start the branding process?  The answer is: the second you are opened for business!   Waiting on the branding process will greatly affect your business.    Branding not only helps your customers remember who you are it gives the client an idea of what you're all about. 
Like the Micky D's Commercial, an emotional connection is made with the customer.  This emotional connection helped keep the message to over 1 billion served. The introduction to buy their products in a sense went viral and stayed that way.
The statistics for the internet and social media are everywhere.  *Mobile shoppers will reach 72.8 million according to Hubspot.   Hubspot also claims that Online shoppers will reach to 184.3 Million this year.  Hubspots survey also reported  an increase of 3.3% for internet sales, since last year.
Pixability stated that Business video is up by 3400%.  With these staggering numbers it only makes sense as a business owner to super size your advertising in these arena's.
When introduction videos are done the right way they are very effective at assisting in the branding process.  When you launch an advertising campaign,  this should be one of the first areas you should consider spending the most time on.  Since this should be added to the front page or home landing page let's talk about what an Introductory Video is.
Introductory Video is exactly what it sounds like.  This is your opportunity to introduce your clients to your business.  It should be well thought out and have a specific message in mind.  A Single message in mind.  This is the gateway to what your company is all about.  It lets people see who you are.  It helps them familiarize how you do things.   This is the jewelry of your website.  This type of  video is short, but worth a million words. 
The Intro Vid should be no longer than 1.5 minutes in length.  Sounds short but a little goes a long way.  Anything over 1.5 minutes will run risk of your clients getting bored.  So when it comes to Intro Video remember to hold the mustard.  This video is best with just burger and bun.
The script or message still needs to touch on the important areas (Who, what, where, when, why and how).   A good script doesn't need to be lengthy, however it needs to be juicy.    This is your area to shine.  This is your virtual salesman.  While it shouldn't sound too much like a sale, it should sell your viewers on you.
A music bed is not necessary but this too should be an element to carefully select and consider.  Music sets the pace of the video.  A good message doesn't even need dialogue if it's done right.  Music helps to create the mood.   A good video should provoke some type of emotional response, music can definitely to this provoking for you.  Make sure when selecting tunes for your video that you select appropriate music for your clients ears. And don't pirate music.  This is a big NO NO! Musicians can be very sensitive people.  Sort of a Grimace if you will.  Because of the messy Intellectual Property Laws you need to tread carefully in this arena.  (word on the street is this is the biggest area for law suits).
Emotional response can also be dictated by color and light.  The look of something shot outdoors will drastically change the look of the final product.  If you shoot indoors good lighting is imperative. 
A small trick should to be wear something that looks nice. 
Audio is another area that needs to be clear and not sound like an amateur recorded the video from the inside of a hollow box.  If you don't have appropriate audio equipment then hire a professional or visit a local recording studio and do a voice over that you can include. 
Audio and Lighting are like fries and a shake to your creation.  However, these are absolute necessities. 
An introduction video helps to create the companies image.  For the DIY peeps, this can be very tricky if you aren't into photography or video and film making. There are some things to be aware of.  Light and Sound.  If a video is done and the lighting is not proper or the sound is hollow, poor audio and lighting tells your clients that you are not one to spend the money on high technology.  
While that could be what you're telling them,  think about the other possibilities.
While hiring a professional video company might seem expensive,  it can often pay for itself.  Remember that you only have to record this once and it's on the net forever.   Unlike many other forms of advertising.  This is a project that will last forever.  If done right this maybe the last video your company will need.  Chances are you'll go back for more.  
Let's look at the .99 cent menu vs. a burger that costs $10.  Although, essentially burgers can vary in prices for a few reasons.  A good burger will be one that is hot off the grill and just like kids out of film school, your gonna get someone whose not as seasoned, and maybe not as big of a pattie.  
I will admit a lot of today's generation of film makers are relatively brainiac's,  where they lack in experience this usually means they won't show up on time (if at all) they will flirt with all the girls on set including and perhaps your wife, and they will just be hard to manage.  Let's face it,  you are a business person,  A decadent executive with no time to manage a vendor.  The $10.00 burger is usually gimmicky in my opinion.  You don't get a better product necessarily but it cost you more.  The best is right in the middle always done the way you like it and at a price that's affordable.  When selecting a video company this is what you need to keep in mind.  
Get someone who will give you a good product, without all the frills, whose knowledgeable.  And remember to select someone who specializes in commercial video.  People that are in the wedding business are very specialized but they may not know about how automotive customers make selections.  Just saying.  
If you can follow these tips you should be fine.  EveGreyProductions does FREE!!! consultations for business owners.   Check out the blog next week when we talk about the testimonial cheeseburger.  Who to have give a testimony, and what not to say to your clients.  
Chow for now.

To sign up for consultation visit us at or follow me @eveproducer 
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