Sunday, October 9, 2011

Success breeds Success (If you believe it will)

Okay, even though my business has been on the books since last year; this is the firs year that I had a solid plan that is really proven to be successful.  I have had a lot of pain and joy over the last year trying to figure it all out. 
Although this week has really been proven to be a Hat Trick and a half there is still a lot I have to learn.
Thoughts become things.  If you dwell on the negative, more negative will incubate and become like cancer in your life.
When you focus on goals that are positive and envision that  those dreams or goals have already come true; you become magnetic. 
The law of attraction will create what you focus on.  If you focus on bad things in your life, then you will face the snowball effect of more bad things happening to you.
If you create in your mind the beauty and joy that your DAILY accomplishments bring to you; you will create a generation of beauty, success and joy.
The very best part is you have control over your own destiny.
If you believe in it: it will come true.   

1 comment:

  1. Hey There! I just want to thank those people who are actually reading this Blog? I'm thinking of switching to a Vlog? What's your feedback?
    Honestly, I'm just really Geeked that you are checkin th freakin blog? LOL! Pleas be advised if you don't have a cool sense of humor, don't read this stuff.
    BTW: I really am a Producer
